Cindy LeBow

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My Story

I love to write. It is absolutely my favorite thing. I also love to read aloud to others, so invite me, I will come read to your group! I am a story teller at heart. People laugh when they ask ne a question and I start to answer- they have to sit down – because it is usually in the form of a very long story. I write fiction, non-fiction, screenplays and Comic Books ( in the 1980’s for Warren Comics and Kings Features ) including Vampirella, Creepy, Eerie and Popeye. I studied Theatre at NYU, and performed Musical comedy on tour in the US and Canada. I am the mother of 6 extraordinary, talented Adults who I home educated. I mostly taught them to follow their hearts and to love life, everything else they learned on their own. I want to be clear about this so they can’t blame me for any of the crazy things they do! I was born and raised in New York City, I have travelled all over America and dragged all of my children with me- it was a home schooling adventure! I currently live on a remote mountaintop farm in Northern Alabama, where I write amazing tales, I teach writing workshops, I grow Organic Vegetables and Healing Herbs, and I create stories for my many grandchildren. I currently teach writing workshops via ZOOM VIDEO because pandemics! If you want to come write with me – find me on Facebook. I am currently writing books 2 and 3 in The Secret Tales of Mrs. Chubbly series, just in case you are sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next!

Cindy LeBow

The Secret Tales of MRS Chubbly

How one heroic mouse saved the world, in a heartbreaking tale of epic fantasy adventure full of courage, birth, death, spiritual awakening & ultimately true love.

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